Raring2go! Havering
Hello Havering!
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Firstly, I’d like to say thank you to all of the local primary schools and shops that kindly helped me distribute my Spring Issue – the launch of Raring2go! into Havering. Also my thanks to everyone who sent kind messages across email and social media with positive feedback. It was fantastic to receive.
I am now writing with fingers crossed that we are already sitting in glorious sunshine and getting ready to enjoy our summer holidays. I am sure you have lots of great trips planned but no doubt you’ll be looking for great things to do around Havering with the kids. I have included as many things as I can in our ‘What’s on Guide’ and I have tried to make these varied both in type of activity but also by location too. If there is anything you’d like to see in the ‘What’s on Guide’ please get in touch either on my email below or via Instagram on (@raring2gohavering) . This issue also includes discounts and other great advice to help your family navigate the Summer Holidays. Also don’t forget that we have Essex Fest taking place in Hornchurch from 12th - 14th July and we have an exclusive discount for tickets within this issue for all their events. Sunday 14th July will be the perfect Family Fun Day for kids. I will be there on all 3 days and it would be great to meet you all if you are going too!
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Have a great Summer!
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Craig x (craig.french@raring2go.co.uk) Please Follow us on Social Media: Instagram - @raring2gohavering Facebook – Raring2go Havering Tik Tok – r2ghavering
Join today by visiting raring2go.co.uk
Havering Raring2go! Readers – I need your help… Please if you visit or purchase from any of the businesses you see within the Summer Issue let them know that you noticed them in Raring2go! It would go a long way to helping us all build a great Raring2go! community. Also if you know anyone who owns their own business that could benefit from appearing Infront of our 40,000 Havering readers it would be great if you gave us a mention to them. Havering Businesses – Let’s work together… Our next issue (Autumn) will be distributed throughout Primary Schools & Shops from September 17th with an Artwork Dead line of August 30th. It would be great to have a phone call, email or better still – a meet up to discuss your business and see if we can find a way that Raring2go! could help with your marketing plans. Please get in touch.
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