Raring2go! Havering


Outdoor Cinema in Essex Date: 23rd – 26th August from (AM/PM Shows) Venue: Hylands House, London Rd, Chelmsford Details: Grab a picnic and experience a great outdoor film experience. Films include – Disney’s Frozen, Sing, The Gruffalo, The Stick Man & More! Days Out With Thomas The Tank Engine Date: 24-26th August 10am-4pm Venue: East Anglian Railway Museum, Colchester Details: Ride a steam engine, meet Thomas & Friends, Sing-a-longs, Play Pod, Scavenger Hunt, Minatare Railway Display, Balloon Maker, Thomas Giveaways. Annual Summer Fete & Family Fun Day Date: Saturday 24th August 1pm-4pm Venue: Rush Green Community Association, Rush Green, RM7 0LB Details: FREE ENTRY - Local Crafts, Bouncy Castle, Face Painting, Stocked Bar, BBQ, Raffle Prizes and Entertainment. This annual event is filled with fun activities for all the family so be sure to get there nice and early.

Neon Night at Oxygen Romford Date: First Friday of the Month (Jun-Sep) 6pm 8pm Venue: Oxygen Romford, Spilsby Rd, Harold Hill Details: Jumping, Games, Dancing & Competitions for kids to enjoy. Little Monkey’s At Nuclear High Ropes Date: Selected Sundays (Jun-Sep) 10:30am 11:30am (check online) Venue: Nuclear High Ropes, Ongar Road, Kelvedon Hatch, Brentwood Details: Thrilling adventure designed for daredevils including big zip wire. RAF Hornchurch Centre Date: (Jun-Sep )| 11am-4pm Venue: RAF Hornchurch Heritage Centre, Hornchurch, Essex Details: Family and School bookings are welcome. Support the trust by visiting the buildings used by RAF Hornchurch during WW2. Here you can be transported back in time to remember hero’s and get a feel for the important role the aerodrome and its pilots played.


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